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Employer Services

Helping businesses and their employees explore their transportation options

In today’s fast-paced economy, providing commuter benefits gives you an edge for recruiting, retaining, and rewarding your employees.

Services and tools from the Commuter Options program at Cherriots

Today, more than ever, employers recognize the importance of offering a positive work environment and desirable benefits that attract and retain quality employees. However, it can be difficult to find cost-effective benefits and incentives to offer your employees and potential employees. That’s where Cherriots can help! 

Employers play an important role in encouraging and shaping employee travel behavior. This is why our Commuter Options staff work with employers to set up and manage employee commute programs. Offering commuter assistance is something that shows your commitment to the community and the environment, and it could also help your bottom line. Commuters who carpool, use transit, bike, or walk to work often arrive more relaxed and more ready to work than those who have been dealing with the stresses of traffic, parking, and congestion. It can also result in improved productivity, reduce absenteeism, boost morale, enhance the work environment, and position you as an employer of choice.

Employee surveys

Cherriots has conducted many employer and regional transportation surveys. We can help you design your own custom survey, or we can use our existing survey data to help you design effective transportation incentive programs and determine the best strategies to improve your employees’ commutes.

Marketing and worksite events

Most employees learn about their commute options from their employer, so we often participate in worksite events such as employee health and benefits fairs, brown bag lunches, or we can just set up in your break room and work one-on-one with your staff. This is a great way to promote commute options to your employees and provide them an opportunity to meet and talk with our staff about their individual commute needs. We can also provide you with all the materials and advice you need to promote transportation options at your worksite. 

Online ride matching

Cherriots is the regional administrator of Oregon's secure, easy-to-use online ride matching tool called Get There. The tool is designed to match people going the same way for work and play: they can be matched to carpools, vanpools, or even bike buddies. The interactive component provides employees an instant picture of commuting match opportunities and an immediate email with potential matches. Each person with a profile also gets to track their trips to see how much money they are saving. We provide all the training and continued support you'll need.

Emergency Ride Home program

A major deterrent to commuters using transportation options is the fear of being left stranded in case of an emergency. To help your employees feel confident that they can get home in an emergency, Cherriots offers a FREE Emergency Ride Home program. Once the employee has an active profile in Get There, they will be eligible to enroll in the Emergency Ride Home program. This service is free to you and free to your employees.

Group Pass program

This is a great option for employers to help their staff get around. Paid for (either partially or in full) by the employer, this benefit makes it easy for employees to use the bus for their commute and daily work trips. Cherriots offers a deeply discounted monthly pass that an employer agrees to purchase for all of their employees (10 minimum) on a monthly basis. This program is designed to induce ridership by providing all eligible employees at a worksite with a transit pass, not just those who currently use or need to use transit. To learn more, visit our Group Pass Program page

Vanpool formation and support

Vanpools can solve a variety of concerns, including parking limitations at your worksite or long commutes. Vanpools can also save employees money and increase the likelihood that they will arrive at work refreshed rather than stressed. Our Commuter Options staff can help coordinate vanpool formation or assist employees in finding existing vanpools.

FREE training for Employee Transportation Coordinators

A plan is only as effective as the team implementing it! We work with you to identify a point of contact at your worksite who becomes your Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC). We train them to be effective transportation options leaders, providing them with information and promotional items to keep employees engaged. They also receive regular updates and information (and a free lunch!) at our quarterly ETC meetings.

For access to all of our services, please call 503-588-2877 or email a request for information to One of our employer program specialists will contact you to discuss your worksite's needs.