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Public Records Request

How to make a request for documents at Cherriots

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Inspection of Public Records

Public records are available for inspection weekdays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., excluding observed holidays. No person examining records may write on them, fold them, alter their appearance, or remove them from Salem Area Mass Transit District (SAMTD) property.

​Public Records Fees

SAMTD is authorized under public records law to recover its costs for making records available. That includes locating, retrieving, and compiling requested records; reviewing, redacting, and segregating exempt materials; supervising inspection of records; and duplicating, certifying, and mailing records. Fees for search time may be charged regardless of whether SAMTD is able to locate the requested records, or if the records located are subsequently determined to be exempt from disclosure.

​Duplication Fees

Printed copies shall be provided at $.10 per page for black and white (after the first 10 pages) and $1 per page for color photocopies. Copies by facsimile (fax) machine shall be provided at $.30 per page with a 20 page limit. Requested notarized signature or certified copy signature will occur at a cost of $5 each.

​Labor Fees 

Labor fees will occur to locate, review, separate, photocopy, download, format, transfer, and otherwise prepare records if the time exceeds 15 minutes. Charges will occur at the following rate for each hour or fraction thereof: $35 for Clerical time and $70 for Records Officer, Supervisor, or Manager time.

​Video Requests

Video surveillance data is generally only available within a limited window of time before it is automatically overwritten by SAMTD’s video surveillance systems. Thus, requests for video must be submitted promptly. Fees for CDs or DVDs will occur at a cost of $10 each. Due to the possibility of computer viruses, SAMTD will not permit requesters to provide CDs or DVDs.

​Additional Fees

Actual cost for postage or other delivery costs will be charged. Maps and other non-standard documents will be in charged in accordance with the actual costs incurred by SAMTD. Charges for legal counsel and their related administrative time will be based on actual costs. The costs of any necessary Attorney General review of requested public records will be charged to the requester at the rate billed by the Department of Justice to SAMTD.


SAMTD requires that all fees be paid in cash and in full prior to furnishing any copies, material, or information. When the fee is estimated to exceed $25, SAMTD will provide the requester with written notice of the estimated amount of the fee and will require written confirmation that the requester intends to proceed with the request.

​Fee Waivers

A waiver or reduction of fees may be allowed if it is determined that it is in the public interest and that making the record available is a primary benefit to the general public. A person with a disability will not be charged any additional costs to provide records in an alternative form such as large print, braille, audio tapes, etc.


​To file a public records request, contact us by phone at 503-588-2424 or email at