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Long Range Transit Plan project

Our first ever 20-year planning document

Project Background

The 2043 Long Range Transit Plan (LRTP) is a comprehensive long-range (20-year) planning document that provides a road map for transit and other mobility options in the District’s service area (local and regional). District staff worked with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., to develop the document from start to finish. The final document reflects final comments from the project’s Technical Advisory Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee, staff, and the board itself. 

Staff and a consultant team developed this plan with a high degree of involvement from the public, internal staff, and external stakeholders. Transparency of the planning process is key for public engagement so that our key stakeholders, including historically marginalized and disadvantaged communities, were consulted in the process of developing the document and, in turn, Cherriots service. We are happy to say that the outreach performed was highly successful in engaging these communities, despite the challenges of a pandemic and low ridership numbers.

The next 20 years is forecast to see many changes in population and employment in the Salem-Keizer region as well as the outlying rural areas of Marion and Polk counties. The LRTP creates a shared understanding about where we are today and what opportunities and challenges we will consider over the next 20 years. The LRTP identifies and communicates 20-year strategies to maintain and grow a regional public transportation system that enhances our community with equitable and inclusive transportation options. The plan aims to clearly describe the District’s role in the region, sets priorities for future service, and will help deliver our mission of Creating Community Connections.

This document will be used by the many jurisdictions we serve in Marion and Polk counties to plan transit at the local level, but also by those that we do not yet serve, in order to identify needs and plan public transit services.

Staying consistent and compatible with local, regional, and state plans, such as transportation plans and climate action plans, is an important goal for the Long Range Transit Plan. Additionally, as the community develops, and changes to the transit network are made, the LRTP will be revised with a comprehensive review including public outreach every five (5) years.

Background documents

Read the Existing Conditions Snapshot Report to learn more about Cherriots' current services and riders.

Read the Plan Review Memorandum which summarizes key aspects of
adopted plans, documents, and ongoing projects that will be used to inform the
Long Range Transit Plan.

Read the Public Engagement Report which provides an overview of the public
engagement activities conducted in December 2021 and January 2022.

Read the Scenario Evaluation and Strategy Development Report which describes how the Long Range Transit Plan team used scenario planning methods to evaluate different ways the Cherriots transit system could grow over the next 20 years.

Contact and questions

If you have any questions or comments regarding this project, please contact us using one of the methods below:

  • Email us at
  • Call Customer Service at 503-588-2877
  • Write us at 555 Court St. NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 97301