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Cherriots Shop and Ride Service Change

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We're making some small changes to make the service better for our riders

Looking ahead to the next fiscal year, the cost to operate the Cherriots Shop and Ride service is increasing beyond the available budget. In order to continue providing a service that best meets the needs of our riders, we are making some adjustments to the Shopper Shuttle service to maximize the amount of time we can get riders to and from their destinations, as well as to ensure that they have access to the retail goods and services they need.

Here is what is changing and why:

1. Our data for the past year shows that very few people use the Shopper Shuttle service on Mondays. 

Beginning July 1, 2019, we will be discontinuing service on Mondays and only operating the Shopper Shuttle Tuesday through Friday.

2. Our data shows that ridership is low in West Salem and Keizer.

We are combining the West Salem and Keizer regions of the Shopper Shuttle service area so that coverage better matches ridership in that region. In order to accommodate the larger geographic area, we are allowing an extra hour for the pick-up and drop-off of riders.

3. Our riders need a comprehensive shopping experience within a serviceable area.

We are consolidating the stores served to only Fred Meyer and Walmart since these have grocery, non-grocery, pharmacy, and banking functions. We are only serving locations that are closest to the region of origin in order to maximize the number of pick up locations per day.

4. The Dial-a-Ride service will still be available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday - Friday.

The last pick up for the day will be around 4 p.m. Riders should consider the Dial-a-Ride service if the Shopper Shuttle schedule doesn't work well for them, or if they'd like to visit a different store.

We're hoping these improvements will mean more riders will be able to reserve a space on the Shopper Shuttle and get to the services they need. If you have questions, please call Customer Service at 503-588-2877.

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