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The proposal passed and we're making it more affordable for families to ride together

On Nov. 1, 2018, Cherriots submitted its application to the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the new Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) formula funds. These new grant funds will provide for weekend, extended weekday evening, and holiday service on Cherriots Local buses; and Saturday and holiday service on Cherriots Regional buses.

STIF funds will also be used to provide a new youth fare. This new fare category will satisfy a requirement of the STIF program, which states that at least one percent of the funds shall be used to improve transportation for students in grades nine through twelve. The District’s STIF grant application recommends over two percent of the grant funds be dedicated to the proposed youth fare program in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021.

Here are the new fares for youth ages 6 to 18 that will be effective June 3, 2019:

Category Current Reduced Fare New Youth Fare
Cherriots Local One-Ride $0.80 $0.50
Cherriots Local Day Pass $1.50 $1.00
Cherriots Local 30-Day Pass $22.50 $10.00
Cherriots Local Annual Pass $270.00 $120.00
Summer Youth Pass $40.00 Discontinued
Cherriots Regional One-Ride $1.50 $1.00
Cherriots Regional Day Pass $3.00 $2.00
Cherriots Regional Month Pass $30.00 $20.00

For more information, read the Notice of Ordination Adoption below.

Notice of Ordinance Adoption

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